Official rendering for the Salt Lake City, Utah MLB stadium proposal, and surrounding Power DIstrict development project. Image courtesy of the Larry H. Miller Company.
A few months ago, Salt Lake City threw its hat into the MLB expansion ring with some early renderings. Now, they have released updated visions for a ballpark district.
The proposed “Power District” revival plan was unveiled on Thursday by the Larry H. Miller Company and Miller family. The plan outlines, via renderings, a vision of multiple mixed-use complexes anchored by a modest baseball stadium. According to the company, work will begin this year, but the stadium won’t be built until MLB approves it.
“We are passionate about this once-in-a-generation opportunity to invest in our capital city,” Steve Starks, CEO of the LHM Company, said. “This project will serve as a vibrant extension of and gateway to downtown Salt Lake, complements the mission of the State Fairpark and brings the Jordan River to life.”
Stadium Design
The circular baseball stadium is comprised of a larger lower deck combined with a smaller upper deck. This has become the trend for recent stadiums. The ballpark would feature a transparent overhang covering the upper deck, along with outfield seats. This would create a community setting as the district incorporates the Jordan River. The stadium is estimated to seat around 30,000 to 35,000 fans.
“The westside is a gathering place for so many people and an opportunity to be a showcase, as people are visiting our state for the first time to see this incredible development, as well as potentially Major League Baseball sitting right there welcoming people into the capital city,” Utah Governor Spencer Cox said via a statement.
The 100-acre site will reportedly cost $3.5 billion to build. It is conveniently located midway between downtown Salt Lake City and the airport. The area is served by light rail and the developers claim the area will be completely walkable and cyclist-friendly.
A Surge of Renderings
The Kansas City Royals and Chicago White Sox both recently released renderings for new stadiums. The Royals’ new ballpark would be situated in downtown, across the street from the T-Mobile Center arena. That park would feature a brick exterior similar to the Utah proposal, along with a beautiful fountain batter’s eye.
Of course, the ballpark in Salt Lake City will not be built until the market gets approval from Rob Manfred (who recently announced that this tenure will be his last) and MLB. As a result, there is no telling that this will happen, as it the indication is that only two cities will gain expansion teams.
Utah has already thrown its hat in the ring along with Nashville (the favorite), Orlando, New Orleans, and Portland, Oregon. If Utah gets a team, they could be called the Salt Lake Saints, a reference to the Mormon church that calls that city home.
It is unknown when Rob Manfred and MLB will announce the next wave of expansion. However, it is expected to be either sometime this year or next. If Salt Lake City is approved as one of the two cities, this project will have “shovels in the ground” ready to go, according to the release.