Are You Paying for the Best?
No matter where you look on social media these days, there seems to be an never ending battle on who is the NBA G.O.A.T.? One camp is for Michael Jordan, the other for LeBron James. In my opinion any player who willingly flops, whines and misses on average 31% of every season under the guise of “load management” shouldn’t even be in the conversation.

What Does it Take to Deserve a Max Deal?
Furthermore NBA contracts are getting absolutely ridiculous. Let’s take Anthony Davis for example. His new extension for a max payout of $187,000,000 over the next three years is truly mind-boggling. Over that past 5 years AD has missed 37.5% of games. Please tell me how that deserves a max contract that in turns drives ticket prices through the roof. It is near financially impossible for an average family to attend a game and then on top of that, the players you are paying to see, may not even show up due to “load management”. It’s unacceptable, really.
The Original Knock Around Guys

If you make $30,000,000+ a year, you owe it to the fans to play every single game unless you have a severe injury. Why are basketball players such weaklings anymore? Nothing but diva’s and cry babies. Back in the 80s & 90s the game was played by men – men who played with broken noses, fingers, busted lips. If you were laid out on the floor, its because Bill Laimbeer, Dennis Rodman or Kevin McHale put you there. It’s not the same as flopping because Tyson Chandler or David West came into your three-foot personal bubble.
Thank God it Wasn’t a Date

A friend of mine and I attended a Dallas Mavericks game last year and just the two of us with tickets, parking, snacks and a couple soda’s I spent over $600. I can’t imagine a working class family of five trying to afford to be able to take in a game, let alone several. Then top it off that the family spends all that money to attend the game and the super stars who’s exorbitant salaries drove up those ticket prices don’t even play because they have already played twice this week and need to recoup under the “player load management” schedule! It’s despicable, and I know there are millions out there who feel as I do. So I ask you this. Are fans getting what they want?
I look forward to your comments and or criticism feel free to reach out to me at thebigtykie@gmail.com or on Twitter/X as @BigTykie

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