San Francisco Balldudes in all their glory. (Wall Street Journal)
The name “Balldudes” is an evolution of phrase, and perhaps the times we live in. It began over 30 years ago as the “Senior Involvement Program,” and was geared locally towards the senior citizens of the San Francisco bay area.
Technically speaking, it’s Balldudes/Balldudettes. I certainly don’t have anything against the wonderful Balldudettes. As for omitting them from the title, it would have otherwise just run right off the page.
In the Beginning
Over 30 years ago, the San Francisco Giants decided to make a gesture towards the elderly community. In the years since, it has brought about some unforgettable moments.
These moments were plentiful and often brought smiles to the attending crowds. Other times, not so much. For example, when it would take the senior citizen Balldude or Balldudette too long to track down the ball before bending over shakily and slowly to grab it. Most of us have seen grandpa picking something up from the floor. It’s not always pretty.

As fate would have it, or perhaps another evolutionary twist inspired by an unknown source, shifted the senior citizen-centered thought waves from the elderly to the 21+. Now, apparently anyone except kids and young adults can do it.
Baseball Camp for Balldudes
Not just anyone is getting put out there on the field these days. You have to be nominated before you can attend baseball camp, among other criteria. They want you to have knowledge of the rules of baseball, obviously. In addition, you must “possess the physical skills to handle the fast-paced nature of the game.”
These “camps” are pretty laid back, and generally just involve a day of answering questions and fielding some foul balls. They also sit in the ball boy stool. At the end of the day, they choose a couple of people for the upcoming game.
If you want to nominate someone to be a Balldude or a Balldudette, here is the official form.