In the final seconds of the game, kicker Jake Bates hit another long game-winning...
In week six of the UFL, the DC Defenders earned a crucial win against...
The hills were alive this week. No, not with the sound of music, but...
Week four of the UFL season is over and the Birmingham Stallions are still...
Over the weekend, the St. Louis BattleHawks improved their record to 3-1 defeating the...
In Week 3 of the UFL, the St. Louis Battlehawks soared to a 31-24...
Week three of the UFL began with a big one, as the D.C. Defenders...
Week 2 of the UFL was just exciting as Week 1. We had a...
Catch the spicy Houston Roughnecks and DC Defenders game in week 2 of the...
Week 1 of the UFL was great, however, week 2 was even wilder. The...