Rutgers Guard

Former Temple, currently Rutgers point guard, Jeremiah Williams - Harvey Levine/OwisDaily/Getty Images

It has been announced that the Rutgers guard, Jeremiah Williams has been charged with tampering. Across the NCAA, there has been a lot of news coming out regarding Iowa and Iowa State in regards to their gambling issue. Before joining Rutgers Hoops, Williams was attending Iowa State. Here is more information on the Rutgers guard, and what is going on with the gambling issue at Iowa State.

Iowa’s Gambling Issues

The issues going on is not just involving Iowa State, it involves Iowa as well. There are numerous students, both current and former, who have been charged with tampering and underage gambling. This also violates the NCAA rules. Many of these names came out in May, and now with the Rutgers guard, it is evident more names will come out.

Without going into too much detail on the issues, there is an investigation into both schools. While there have been numerous names already, the investigation has involved hundreds of people. In the state of Iowa, it is illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to participate in sports betting. It is well understood, the NCAA has strict rules against student-athlete making a bet.

This even means that a basketball player cannot bet on a college football game. There are now numerous apps and websites that people can use to bet on sports. It has truly never been easier for anyone to bet, thus making it harder to resist. While students use their family members’ names, their locations are also on. Some of these locations were not accessible to the public. This can entail locker rooms or athletic facilities.

If these bets are taking place at the facilities, large groups make it easier to sway each other. This demonstrates how the Rutgers guard, who previously attended Iowa State, could have involvement in this.

Rutgers Guard
Iowa State QB Hunter Decker’s (12) – Jacob Rice/Iowa State Daily

These have not just been small bets either. Just to name one example, Hunter Dekkers, Iowa State’s starting quarterback in 2022, is one of the athletes who has been caught. Dekkers bet around $2,799 under an account in his mother’s name. These bets were on Iowa sports, including one football game, though he did not play.

The Rutgers Guard

Okay, back to relating this to the Rutgers Scarlet Knights. On Monday, August 21st, it was revealed that the Rutgers guard, Williams, is also being charged. Williams has been playing college ball at Temple and Iowa State before making it to Rutgers. While there are no stats to recover from his time at Iowa State, clearly, there is still something to talk about regarding his time there.

Rutgers Hoops made a statement on August 22nd regarding Williams. The comment is simply that they are aware of the investigation, and they have no further comments. The good news for Rutgers fans, this is not a loss or a gain.

The incident happened before Williams joined the Scarlet Knights. He also has not played with Rutgers, and the team is not losing a big-time player. The hope will be that all of this is resolved soon, and no Scarlet Knight is going to get in trouble for a similar matter.