If the seriousness that Peyton Manning approaches coaching the AFC in the Pro Bowl doesn't make you laugh, I don't know what will (Photo courtesy of the NFL).
The ‘Manningcast’ understands its audience and is appealing to every millennial with a recent musical casting. The Manning brothers will leave no stone unturned when it comes to best marketing practices for their show. We can’t wait to see what they pull out of their hat this year, including this musical performance.
‘Manningcast’ Music
The Backstreet Boys are creating the newest rendition of the Super Bowl Shuffle, hopefully. They shifted some words around in their hit “Everybody” to fit the theme of the “Manningcast.” It’s guaranteed that the franchise that implements the remix of the song somehow in their team marketing will have a loyal fanbase based on the song alone. You know those crossovers you would never think of but go to together perfectly? That’s the Backstreet Boys intersecting with the NFL.
Capitalizing On Boy Band Brilliance

There’s no hard statistics on this fact, but the Backstreet Boys were a big deal from 1993 to roughly 2003. They were teenage heartthrobs for mostly young ladies at the time. There are fans of other genders and ages, but a large portion of the fanbase will be those now grown-up teenagers who are millennial women. It’s a unique group for the show to appeal to in their marketing.
Research shows that 46% of the NFL fan base is female, and 64% of millennial and Gen Z ladies feel favorably towards the NFL. That is the most interest shown by young female fans ever. It looks like the Manning’s are playing 3-D chess, trying to reach an mostly untapped population in terms of marketing. The majority of commercials and performances are not designed with women in mind, despite us being nearly half the fanbase. Thanks, Manning brothers; we appreciate a little acknowledgement!
The Mannings are Musically Inclined
Did you know that the Manning brothers’ are musically inclined? Or at least, producing it. The brother’s created a special ‘Manningcast the Musical‘ that is a 10-minute work of talent. You can catch the video of all 10… punishing minutes here. You’ll see lots of familiar, fantastic faces in the musical, such as the aforementioned Backstreet Boys, Kevin Hart, Pete Davidson, Snoop Dogg crip walking in slow motion, and more NFL head coaches and quarterbacks than you can shake a stick at.
Between the musical and the special, we have to tune into their show, right? If for no other reason than to never have to hear Eli or Peyton Manning sing off-key ever again. A little spoiler at the end showed that Bill Belichick will part from his barely legal girlfriend long enough to show up and help host some of the MNF broadcasts with the Mannings.
In Conclusion
Thank goodness for the Mannings. Where would we be musically without the Backstreet Boys making a ‘Manningcast’ special and contributing to the brother’s musical? A broadcast with a smaller millennial audience is where. The Manning brothers know advertisement like football, and we are here for it. Will you be tuning into the ‘Manningcast’ show this season? Sound off below! Catch more of my fiery hot takes here.