Field Yates (Photo courtesy of Athlete Speakers).
On a scale of 1 to Field Yates, how serious are you about fantasy football? Some people are more casual, and others are extremely dedicated. However, Yates took it to a whole new level and showed us all how we need to step it up in our own fantasy leagues. When you forget to move someone during their bye week, ask yourself, WWYD? What would Yates do? However, unless you have great health insurance, we suggest a slightly less enthusiastic approach.
Field Yates Goes Hard
Yates showed us what he is made of. Although he looks like a political intern, the male lead role in a rom-com, or a SNL cast member, Field is none of those things. He’s not just an average face; he’s also a man who hurts himself attempting physical fitness. It’s ironic that his career surrounds fantasy football, but he, like most of us, could never actually play football. He showed us this incredibly well last weekend when he made a foolish mistake with painful consequences.
So what did Mr. Yates do? This athletic wonder dislocated his shoulder in a tackling drill on the beach. The drill was designed to determine the draft order for his fantasy football league. It wasn’t the running or the leaping that got him; it was definitely the driving his shoulder into the inflatable football player.
On X, he was quoted saying, “Worst pain of my life. However, many on the beach were calling me the Lawrence Taylor of beach football.” Now that is high praise. In some of the worst pain of his life, Yates did have to go to the hospital and assumedly had his shoulder put back in place. He is now back on the mend and number one in the draft order. It’s only fair.
A Fair Fantasy Football Approach?

Most people can determine their draft order without dislocating their limbs, thankfully. That is advisable. Although the rules were fair and square for the Yates draft, we have some other suggestions for some safer alternatives. For example, in a fascinating intersection of sports, the Phillies team determined their football draft order with a ‘closest to the pin’ game utilizing golf.
Another athletic feat for our readers over 21 would be a rousing beer pong competition. Talk about high stakes! Another creative idea: The Oakland A’s all lined up on the upper deck and threw baseballs at a target. The closer you get, the higher you are in the order. When in doubt, look at your local baseball team and see what they’re doing and steal their idea. They have a real knack for creative ideas that are high-stakes competitions with athletic talent required. All limbs stay in place, and the draft order is still established. Imagine it!
Final Thoughts
Fantasy football will never be important enough to dislocate a body part over. Not even a toe. Take your fantasy leagues seriously this season, folks. But not Field Yates serious. Let him be the example; he can part his shoulder from his joint for all of us. For more amazing content from this author, click here.