Russell Wilson and his mom

Russell Wilson with his mother Tammy Wilson (Photo courtesy of Splash News).

Russell Wilson shouldn’t allow Zach Wilson to see this article. Hide Mrs. Wilson from that New York Jets quarterback as well as you can. She’s too good for this world – and Zach.

Who Is Russell Wilson’s Mom?

Russell Wilson’s mother is Mrs. Tammy Wilson. She had three children (Harrison IV, Russell, and Anna) with her late husband, Harrison III Wilson. Anna, her youngest, was just 13 when Mr. Wilson passed away, leaving Mrs. Wilson to raise a teen by herself—a herculean task for the strongest of people.

The philanthropic Mrs. Wilson has spent the majority of her career being a RN, including a gig as an ER nurse. RNs who work in the ER have to be specially suited for reacting quickly and calmly in some of the worst, most dire situations in many people’s lives. See? An angel.

If you still haven’t seen wings, get this… Mrs. Wilson worked as a counselor at a battered women’s shelter before she became a nurse. What a sweet heart!

Russell Wilson, Anna Wilson, and Mrs. Tammy Wilson (Cody Glenn/Getty Images)

She currently works as a Director of Patient Outreach and Care Management at UW Medicine. She was pivotal in developing the COVID response in Seattle. Ground zero for the disease.

Raising A Russell Wilson

Mrs. Tammy Wilson birthed and raised Russ as a strong, black man who is also a Pollyanna. That’s commendable. It would be difficult to foster an environment that either creates or helps cultivate his extreme positivity and enthusiasm in some of the toughest circumstances. 

No one really discusses the pressure associated with being an NFL quarterback, but it seems nearly impossible to bear at times. He expressed that last year was one of the most difficult times in his life, and yet he was able to rise from the ashes and phoenix himself this season. That’s tenacity. 

We’ve seen his light grow a little dimmer as his “let’s ride” chants died out slowly as he had the worst season in the NFL. There is also footage of him and Payton sharing words, which isn’t as Pollyanna as he has been in the past. But the fact that he is still the world’s cheerleader at all is a miracle. We can thank Mrs. Wilson for that.

The love between son and mother is clear. When he bought her a home for Mother’s Day in 2019, he had this to say (which says it all): “All these years you have never asked me for anything… only thing you ever wanted is for me to LOVE. Well thanks for loving us the way you do. This ones for you. I love you momma.”

Mrs. Wilson Comes Through With The Parenting Advice

Russell Wilson’s mother became an angel in my eyes when her son relayed her crucial parenting advice. She gave him this advice about being a stepparent:

“If you’re really serious about it, then you have to love that kid as if it were your own. Even if that means giving that kid your name. If you’re going to be with someone who has a kid, you can’t treat that kid any differently than if he were yours.”

I’m not wiping my tears away; you are.

Russell Wilson with his wife and children (Russell Wilson/Instagram).

Most of us know that this is a balance that most bonus parents struggle with, and many are terrible at it. It’s no small feat to treat a child who is not biologically yours with the love that you have for those who are. Mrs. Wilson held her son to an incredibly high standard and expected him to rise to meet it.

It’s so admirable that she gave this advice, and probably more so that she raised a son who was capable of achieving this type of love for his bonus son. His efforts to treat Ciara’s oldest son as his own are clear, and the family is thriving because of it. 

If this wasn’t enough to convince you that Mrs. Wilson is an angel on earth, then I don’t know how to convince you. Read another one of my articles instead.