Because why wouldn't an boxer endorse a grill? (Nathan Underwood/LinkedIn).
Some athlete endorsements make sense. For example, Gatorade sponsoring J.J. Watt. He needed some hydration for propelling men into the turf for three hours and some moisture for keeping his whistle wet so he could yell like a caveman after every tackle. Some unlikely crossovers, like the McDonald’s ad featuring Michael Jordan in a drug and alcohol abuse commercial in 1987, are iconic. “Stop it, get some help!” The three athlete endorsements below are neither iconic nor logical. Enjoy!
3. Joe Namath and pantyhose

In the 1970s, Joe Namath had an endorsement deal with Beautymist pantyhose. In this iconic and emotionally scarring ad, a third of the time is dedicated to a slow-motion journey via camera travel up Namath’s legs that goes for days. It can’t be confirmed that he got his legs waxed, but it looks like it. This is an ironic choice for Beautymist and Namath because there is not a quarterback with worse knees in NFL history.
It’s unclear if anyone ever actually bought a single pair of pantyhose because Joe Namath marketed them in these ads. However, it is a must-watch. Did anyone else not guess that it was Namath before you saw him clad in athletic shorts and his jersey holding a package of hose? Me neither.
2. Muhammad Ali Endorsements Of Roach Traps
Ali did not want us living with roaches, which is surprisingly thoughtful. In another moment of positivity, Muhammad Ali describes the roach trap as ‘beautiful’ which is not most people’s description of the contraption. If traps aren’t your vibe, he also promotes his fogger in his 1980 d-CON commercial. Beware; the foggers did not have his face splashed over them, so that’s a missed opportunity by the company.
Between Ali’s wide eyes, prolonged eye contact, finger wiggling while he refers to roaches legs, and his overall tone, you won’t be able to look away from the boxer’s intensity.
1. Ronaldinho Gaúcho And Family Planning

Ronaldinho Gaúcho is endorsing his own condom line. It’s not so much the product that is attention-grabbing; it’s more the labeling and description. For some reason, he described his ‘gloves’ as ‘sex-free’ which doesn’t make sense no matter how many times you read it. In addition to a counterproductive description, he also puts his face on the packaging, which few would prefer and many would avoid.
Honorable Mentions

Lewis keeps his endorsements unusual. One of his Old Spice commercials depicts him being chased by a bear who is wearing tennis shoes. In another incredible contribution to society, Ray Lewis made his own snuggie. In his RL52 clothing line, he also sold a “blanket with arms” that most of us call a snuggie. This feels weirdly snuggly for someone who got charged with that one thing, that one time.