kansas city chiefs

Clayton McGeeney, David Harrington and Ricky Johnson (from left to right) (Photos courtesy of People/Facebook).

True crime and the NFL cross paths all the time (The Forkball’s Weekly Podcast True Crime segment proves that). However, it doesn’t (usually) result in fans dying. Read on to find out more about the suspicious deaths of Kansas City Chiefs fans Clayton McGeeney, David Harrington, and Rocky Johnson.

Trouble in Missouri

There’s more we don’t know about this particular crime than we do. Let’s discuss the core facts:


Five friends hung out at Jordan Willis’ rental home. Kansas City was playing against the Los Angeles Chargers, and Willis, Harringon, McGeeney, and Johnson watched the game together. The fifth friend, Alex Weamer-Lee, arrived later.


The deaths of the three men were discovered on Tuesday, January 9th, when Clayton McGeeney’s fiancé arrived at Willis’s home and discovered one of the men dead in the backyard.


The game was on January 7th. The men were discovered dead on January 9th. Four of the men were at the home for the 3:25 PM CST kick-off, and Alex Weamer-Lee arrived around 7 PM, where the men were hanging out. Weamer-Lee indicated he left around midnight, and the men were very much alive and watching Jeopardy.


Jordan Willis’s rental home is in Platte County, Missouri. Willis moved out of the rental home within a week of the body’s being discovered.


There is no clear cause of death, motives, or explanations surrounding the deaths of the men as we wait for their toxicology reports and autopsy results to be released.

Questions For The Surviving Kansas City Chiefs Fan

There are many questions for Kansas City Chiefs fan Jordan Willis.

For example, Willis’ attorney had originally stated that Jordan had periodically left the home between Sunday at midnight, when the men were last seen alive, and Tuesday. He has now recounted, stating that Jordan was sleeping and had only left the living room periodically during that period of time.

Allegedly, Jordan never left the house and didn’t hear McGeeney’s fiancé knocking. He was only aware that people were looking for the men when the police arrived after the woman found a body.

Also, Willis said he didn’t receive any phone calls or text messages. He also said he didn’t see the Facebook Messenger messages from concerned family members.

Although Willis is not facing any charges at this time, people have many questions and few answers. Weamer-Lee is not suspected of any wrongdoing at this time.

Inconsistencies From The Start

The lone alive Kansas City Chief’s fan’s story has changed rapidly in the short time since the incident.

First, he says he slept for 48 hours straight with noise-canceling headphones on next to a fan (in the middle of winter). What made him sleep for that long?

Then, allegedly, according to his attorney, he left the home periodically. He “corrected” this statement, saying he walked around the house periodically. So was it the first, second, or third story that is true?

Weamer-Lee also, as previously mentioned, described leaving the home around midnight with all four friends watching a game show on TV. Willis has stated that all four of his friends left around 2 a.m.

Families Of Kansas City Chiefs Fans Speak Out

David Harrington’s family has recently spoken to the media, saying: “There were four of you in the house and now three of them are dead and you’re not. That doesn’t add up. I’m thinking that he, the three of them learned something or saw something that they shouldn’t have seen, and he decided, ‘Well, I need to get rid of you now.’ Friends or not.”

The parents are also not buying that the men all died of substances. They may have been getting high, but not all three were abusing the substances to the point of overdosing to death.

Ricky Johnson Sr. also does not feel that his son would not drink in excess. Not to the point of being outside in the dead of winter until he passed away.

We will be keeping up with the story of the mysterious deaths of three Kansas City Chiefs fans in their 30s who died seemingly out of nowhere on their friend’s property. Keep up to date with the news here as well as on the Tailgate Update True Crime segment.